Keeping track of your food intake and your exercise is a critical component to forming healthy eating and living habits. By tracking your food/exercise, you will be able to identify good and bad habits, then work on forming better habits. It will also allow you to count your calories to ensure you are eating the correct number of calories and servings of food groups.
Many of you will use a handwritten journal. You can purchase a Food Journal at 3rd street books, it works great. Or, if you prefer a more free form, just use any type of notebook that works for you. Keep it out and handy, so that you can easily access it. It will not do you any good if it is hidden away in your office, car or bottom of your bag.
For those of you who prefer to use the computer, you can create your own tracking form in any word document or excel database. Also, there are a variety of online free journals and calorie counting tools. Most of these you need to register with and create an account, and their ease of use vary depending on the site. However, we encourage you to look at them and if it seems best for you, try one out. There are also a number of applications for blackberry's, Iphones, and other phones with internet/wi fi access. Check out your phone to see what options you have!!
BLC nor Cindy's is affiliated with any of these programs, nor supports one over the other. We searched and found a couple that seem easy to use and provided links and information below for your information. However, you can do your own search and see what else is out there!!
So, get journaling!!!
ONLINE Food Journals/Calorie Counters
My Fitness Pal- Sign up for it at (can be used on smart phones)
Lose It - Sign up for it at (Can be used on smart phones)